When I was young, I believed recess was the best part of school. I remember the day I found out Junior High didn't have it! My older sister was the messenger, and I was devastated... I think thats were life turned for the worst! Do you remember when it was PUNISHMENT to miss recess? I do, I can remember a teacher making me stay in because I was talking (go figure). One should have several times a day to PLAY, it should still be expected. Rather you were the kids playing soccer, or monopolizing the monkey bars.... life lessons were all about jumping from the swing, MID swing...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I have started a new obsession. I’ve always been a shutter bug, now I have some equipment to feed into my passion. I bought a Nikon DSLR with some great lenses… Discovering this new adventure is a bit pricy going into, but what the hell. I have taken over a thousand pictures in twenty-four hours, and at the end of 48 (hours) I realize I will be putting many miles on this fun little toy of mine. Understanding exposure is a pain in the ass, and when I have it on “auto” I feel like a cheater. Using both seems to help my frustration. One of my good bad characteristics is I’m a perfectionist (I say the word through my teeth). I’m learning the importance of second glances, and there is a difference between capturing a moment, and creating one. In life I’ve always known the difference, but with photography, it brings this to a WHOLE new level (not to mention its very unforgiving). I have also decided that too many options can be over stimulating. Its not like 31 flavors (Baskin Robins). You see with ice cream you have a general idea of what flavor will satisfy your palate. With photography, you just have so many options, and then there is editing… causing stimulation overload. I’m trying to keep it simple, and staying with only a few (hundred) ideas, and then I will build upon them one step at a time. Have you ever started something and wished you knew all there was to know? Typically one should see it as an adventure, but there are some things I feel you should already have a knowledge base… Anyway.
The boys are doing well. Caz started taking college classes (proud momma in the house). Chase has been working out of town lots, so Syd has been holding down the fort. Max is talking up a storm, and my new favorite word he says is “Poopy”. It cracks me up! I got to see the Kimpossible, and what I meant to be a quick visit turned into conversations ending at two in the morning, me borrowing Lina Lou’s glasses and contact solution, and sleeping on her couch covered by some of Hunter’s blankets. When I woke up I heard someone in the bathroom. I went into Kims room to see if it was her or not and I scared the living crap out of her… I laughed so hard I ended up on the floor with tears running down my face! That will be a great funny to have in the memory bank, if I’m needing something to instantly make me laugh out loud!
Andy Rooney said it best “That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes." So don’t listen to Mr. Wipple, life would not be fun if you didn't squeeze the Charmin
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