Two more days of being two.
What an adventure this year has been. Holiday celebrations have been so exciting because he is starting to understand the concept.
Bubble blowing is how he spent some of his time on warm summer days,
along with a little basketball :)
He went camping (several times) and slept in a tent. He had a little adventure at snowbird. He experienced his very first plane ride... saying (quite loudly) as the plane was taking off "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND". His vocabulary has tripled!! He can recite his ABC's and count to ten! Some of his favorite foods include pizza, hot dogs, and mac and cheese.
At the beginning of the year he wanted to take baths...
Now there are small fights to get in the tub and a battle to get him out even after telling him "max your fingers and toes look like raisin!"
Running and jumping is the best way to travel.
This year his crib was replaced with a big boy bed. He is still a morning person. Blues clues and Ponyo are requested regularly for TV entertainment.
He still loves his soft blanket
and when it's time for bed he is typically "ready".
He played with puppets
and discovered the world can be seen from different perspectives...

He loves to color
and draw
however we have yet to master scissors... :).
He can name many animals and tell you what they "say".
He still loves to snuggle.
He road on a pony
and dressed up like a dragon (even though he told me he was a dinosaur.)
At the beginning of TWO, he would say "ewww gross", lately he simply states "I don't want it". He likes to say "Sure" instead of "yes". We have been working on replacing "NO" with "no thank you". Only on occasion does he need a time out.. he typically takes this time to remove his shoes and socks if they are on lol =).
He was involved with a small scandal at day care when he was showing everyone his tattoos... LOL
He sings and hums to music :). He likes to listen to some songs louder than others.
Dancing is a daily activity that is never planned ~ merely inspired by a tune.
We now can roll our tongue.
Being two has been a big year for our Maximus.
I am so excited for what THREE will bring (I am keeping my fingers crossed for a little brother or sister!!)