I’m sure there are many things and people who come to mind when you hear these words. For me uneducated is everyone at any given time that hasn’t experienced something or been given a heads up. In the game called life we are working to get an education… Often we sell ourselves short thinking we have the answers. I laugh only because my ideals are fading and reality is setting in... We learn from many facets of our life, ONLY if we are willing, only if we are teachable. Education isn’t just from books, field work, or only from having life “experience”… With the season of graduation in full swing I can only hope the “students” receiving their diplomas realize their “education” doesn’t stop with the hand shake and reposition of a tassel… My hope is there will be less “educated idiots” and more teachable human beings! I have met brilliant “stupid” people and “dummies” who were brilliant. I have been taught by people who have IQ’s in the genius margin of a test and also by the lower than average IQ of that same test. My point is, if your willing, if your teachable, you can learn something that will forever help you reach that “educated” state.

My week has been filled with many lows and highs, many frustrations and junctures of triumph. I am focused on accepting limitations, and appreciating the quiet moments to recharge the battery so that I may have the energy to continue the necessary fights.
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