my world revolves around my tribe. my tribe grew bigger and this one little girl has stressed me out to the point of break outs and has filled me with so much joy the tears fell out my eyes and ran down my cheeks. its funny how you travel on your journey and then a new person enters your life and you wonder how you ever managed without them. i have thought about this with the births of each of my sons, with my grandson and now my granddaughter. i am beyond grateful to have a tribe who gathers to celebrate and rallies in the face of adversity. life is chalk full of triumph and trouble.
when a word finds me (and right now it is flow) i am learning that it wont be easy lol. it means the universe is fixing to teach me a lesson and it is quite possible it will leave a mark. it is no secret i am a control freak-my kids make fun of this quality i possess every chance they get. i'm a dreamer, a thinker, a planner and a doer. i can be so focused to the point of being oblivious to anything else other than what my sights are on. i have been blessed/cursed with the ability to speak my mind and have always thought "just because its my truth doesn't mean it has to be yours." i imagine you are wondering how can flow be so hard? maybe its clear to you how bumpy this road is going to be... my daily mantra has been a quote by confuctius “The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.” for the record i have always identified as the oak, tall, sturdy, rooted...

being the mother of adult children... you also need to "go with the flow." i try real hard to not be the parent that gives my two cents without being asked for said "cash"... i try REAL hard (translation: sometimes i am incapable of keeping my big mouth shut). i am grateful my kids know me and they love me anyway. i am also grateful they learned the importance of boundaries and have no problem setting them with their mother. when your kids become parents one of the hardest transitions is letting go of the role you played and finding/creating a new job description. i think one of my greatest accomplishments as a parent was influencing my kids to be thoughtful when making decisions and as they travel through their own journey my heart fills with pride when i am able to witness this. i am not at all insinuating mistakes are not made, merely honoring the process.
flow for me (right now) means relaxing (even if its just my shoulders for a few seconds)-breathing (trying to avoid hyperventilating) -letting go (with one eye open lol). its not perfect, but it is real. today my tribe is good and i will hold this goodness close. and when the wind blows i will try to raise the sail and fight the urge to bust out the oars and start the engine :)
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