Having my “game face” on, I made it through another week. When your not feeling on top of your game one tends to have trouble keeping up (at least that’s how I feel). I had some interesting conversations this week, which provoke more thoughts and feelings. I’m all about rules, I also think the rules need to be “updated” staying true to the reason behind them in the first place. I have been consumed with thoughts of time, and calendars and seasons. Change is all round us, and everyone has an opinion about it. So did the Mayans not finish the calendar because it was the end? Or was it simply knowing things change? Seriously, winter isn’t really lining up with what it says on the calendar as well as any of the other seasons. Why is it when there are changes happening most humans focus on the doom and gloom rather than looking at things as a child and being excited to see what happens next? Is this all self preservation, or means of control?
Life has been interesting this week. With Interns and earthquakes, warranty work turning into auto body issues. Questions with responsibilities and accountability. I have been pondering the thought of excuses… What is the difference between excuse and mere fact? Excuses versus reasons? My father used to always tell me “right is always right and wrong is always wrong. Excuses are like assholes everybody’s got one”. Going through this game called life I have determined its not so clear cut. This could also be me just sitting on the fence, having yet to make a decision (making excuses). I try to be thoughtful, drawing a conclusion rather than jumping to one.
(taken Tuesday morning)
What a difference a week can make! Has the spring really sprung?
(taken Sunday morning)