Friday, September 7, 2018

Chapter 47

2018 word is clarity. defines clarity as "clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity." states clarity is "person with a great heart and a beautiful mind. They always know how to make the other smile, and are sure to get the job done by thinking of the best plan. She knows precisely how to make others happy, feel great and is a wish come true, if you have a clarity in your life, keep her. They're the best hopes ever." i think clarity is to "see" without judgement. 

observation without judgement is a practice. i have been working on this for a lot of years. 
when you look at something-instinctivly you are trying to determine if its gonna hurt you or help you. we are hardwired this way-its survival-right? when was the last time you looked at something without judging it? i think this helps with tolerance. noticing your own response to a topic, does this light you up or is this making you feel heavy-dark and twisty before placing it into the good or bad column or the right or wrong category. 

Jim Coroce penned a beautiful song about time. music is really a gift, and how grateful i am to the artists (many who leave us too soon). Jim sang  "If I could save time in a bottle. The first thing that I'd like to do. Is to save every day. 'Til eternity passes away. Just to spend them with you." when you hear someone tenderly wanting to hold onto forever, ahhh it touches you right in the feelers. after you listen to that song you start to think about time (well, i do) and wonder what the hell did we do with all of it? seriously where did it go? the other thought is we are rarely satisfied with the time we are given. rather we be wishing it away "i can't wait until..." or wanting to trap it in a bottle like ole jim wrote.

chapter 47, ah where to begin. i think its been pretty dang good. i have a daughter in law (for the recored i have considered her one of mine for a long time but now its official and legal and stuff). grandkids are growing and getting stronger and smarter. my boys are doing well. it looked like this

Chapter 47 from Monybean on Vimeo.

my clarity
  • if i let my heart see the world, i'm less judgmental
  • if i worry myself sick it may or may not turn out how i want lol
  • i am still funny (both haha and strange ;) )
  • there are two types of people in the world. those who lift people up and those that push people in the mud. i try to be on the lifter side.
  • when i see myself in the mirror i try and overlook my chubby cheeks and chin and focus on my laugh lines (i really love laugh lines)
  • menopause symptoms are REAL- fatigue- lack of focus- adult acne -hot flashes -did i say lack of focus? 
  • if you close your eyes and just breath, it can sometimes feel like a pause button
  • life is short/long and living well is a daily practice
  • everything is temporary
  • i can't fix everything (maybe because its temporary and maybe its just not my job. and maybe that wont stop me from trying to fix stuff-i hope not anyway)
  • life gives you moments of weakness so others can be strong (i think it can also make you an idiot so others can be smart)
  • you can't give what you don't have-taking care of yourself is a critical action in day to day
  • good friends are a treasure and should be treated as such (but not in a pirate kind of way. we don't want to burying them and draw a map noooo. you might want to draw a map to help you know where they are unburied lol) 
  • sometimes all you need is a nap :)
  • we can disagree and still show respect
  • we are all worthy of love and belonging 
  • feeling messy is part of the process
  • you can have faith and have questions
  • intention can be a game changer
  • it is a process to find your truth
  • honoring your gifts bring light to the journey
  • everyone has struggle
  • we are all just bozos on the same bus
  • if you crave inspiration and you "look" for it... you will be inspired
  • everyone lies to themselves and everyone is capable of being honest with themselves-honesty can be hard
  • wholeness.... you. are. enough.
  • you are the only one who knows who you really are-don't give that power to someone else
  • the way you see others is how you see yourself-your not looking through a window you are looking into a mirror
  • having a list of what brings you joy can be life altering and you can take it up a notch just by adding to it
  • at the end of the day you can be grateful or hateful. you can decide how to sleep
  • planning your day around how you want to feel-game changer
  • getting older is a privilege
  • i am certain if i live to be old enough, my face will be deliciously wrinkled-and i will smile (with or without teeth) and have a sparkle in my eye (hash tag life goals)
staying present can be THE hardest practice (for me). there has to be lots of folks that have this mastered, right? I need to find them and hang out, maybe catch what they have. i am either planning for-tonight, tomorrow, next holiday, next birthday, next meal etc etc etc OR fall down the rabbit hole lost in the past. as i'm typing, hearing the sounds of my fingers on the keyboard i'm planning on getting up and pouring myself another cup of coffee. even when i meditate i find myself swimming in the future/past and constantly reminding myself to center in the present. its good practice though, right? stop-rewind-stop-fast forward-stop-fast forward a little-stop. you get the idea.

happy birthday to me