Tuesday, April 30, 2013

F I V E. just. like. that.

remember when you were four?
  • this was the year of preschool, mastering uppercase and learning lower case letters in the alphabet.
  • the year you learned how to add and subtract.
  • the year you began loosing your speech impediments (no more "snow boobs" translation snow boots). 
  • this was the first year you wished to be older, only because you want to loose a tooth - you decided five was the magical year for this :). 
  • this was the year you started drawing and telling stories.
  • the year you wanted to know how to spell words.
  • the year you started talking with your hands :). 
  • the year you watched "the radio" (translation youtube) on your ipod. you started out watching "peanut butter jelly time" and moved on to mario brothers. spending HOURS watching people playing this game. 
  • this was also the year you started calling your daddy luigi because you were now mario. then changed your mind and started calling your daddy mario so you could be luigi.
  • this was the year you went hunting with your daddy and pepa. the year you seen the brains of the elk that was shot and you thought it was GROSS. that was the adventure you were on when your ipod got ran over and you were heart broken. you refused to throw away the broken piece of technology. 
  • this was the year you told me your pepa has "nice bees, not like those yellow shirts". 
  • this was the year you preferred to run rather than walk. 
  • the year you had STRONG opinions... 
  • the year you wanted to always be "right". 
  • the year you started arguing... 
  • this was the year you learned the difference beween "kidding" and "fibbing".
  • the year you started asking more questions about santa and the easter bunny. you asked me just the other day if i had ever seen the tooth fairy.
  • this was the year you started saying "no, seriously". 
  • the year you asked to have catsup on most EVERYTHING. 
  • the year you were able to buckle your own seat belt. 
  • the year you discovered "face time". 
  • the year you wanted to eat your cereal with a BIG spoon. 
  • the year you sat on the heater vent with a blanket. 
  • the year you wondered if you looked cool. 
  • the year you found a favorite song and memorized the lyrics.
  • this was the year of mastering tongue rolls and fish lips.
  • the year you started to flare your nostrils.
  • this was the year your daddy was worried about cupcakes-because bringing cup cakes to your class room is a big deal when your a kid.