there are moments in your life that mold and define you. as a kid it can be
- when you ride your bike for the first time without training wheels.
- when you have your first sleep over.
- when you hear the freakin' back story on santa and the tooth fairy....
non the less there are magical moments. i remember my first celebrity crush.... i was madly head over heels, thought about him every minute of every day, daydreamed about getting married and having a house and a family together.... this mans face COVERED my bedroom walls. he wrote and sang the first song i ever requested on the radio (for you young folks, you had to use the land line and rotary dial the radio station and request a song. you had to wait and wait and WAIT for the disc jockey to play this favorite song-my how times have changed-in a good way) i loved him for about 3 years and when you are little three years is a long stinkin' time. i still don't forgive my dad all those years ago for not letting me go to his concert with tina and her mom, because he said i was too young.
fast forward 30 years.
i got to see him- live and in person-for the very first time.
what an amazing moment for lots and lots of different reasons. i got to morph back into a school girl, who had an irrational crush on an older man, being ridiculously giddy, and nervous and excited. singing and dancing and swooning. it was all that and then some! special thanks to the kimpossible for sharing this most memorable moment with me!!! and to jill who was bad ass and rushed the stage!!!