Sunday, February 7, 2016

light my fire

yes, in my head jim morrison was singing "come on baby" when i wrote that subject line :) my life is a mixed tape and yes jim would be singing, probably on both the A and B side.

i have accepted in order to get light, ya have to walk or sit in the dark. walking around in the dark can be a bit dangerous, your just asking for your toes to get stubbed. no matter-growth can some times be uncomfortable and a little (lot) painful.

january i signed up for three online classes, two of which started in january. brene and jane help me live a more balanced life- feeding my need to beat down my inner critic. brene helps me see my truth and jane helps me paint it. both ladies inspire me to live my own dream. my third class coincidentally called fire starter sessions by danielle and this makes my subject line a little bit more than fabulous!  all three of these remarkable ladies talk about perfection and the importance to show yourself some serious self love. its important to take a good hard look at your story, and observe just how your participating in it. are you the victim? the villain? the vixen? the warrior? the hero? who is in the driver seat? are you facing north but wanting to head west?
are you finding joy? more importantly are you experiencing it? do you know what makes you happy? are you doing those things that make you blissfully intoxicated? are you in the dark? do you know where the flashlights are? does your flashlights need fresh batteries? do you just need to be patient and wait for the sun to come up?are you paying attention to what your good at? are you aware of how your actions are rubbing up against others? are you chasing butterflies? how about squirrels?
 and just like that 2016 has one less month to travel through. me being 10 pounds lighter, literally.  asking myself questions... and answering them :)
finding light
and letting it all in.