last year sometime, a friend and i talked about going on a road trip.
january 2011 i began saving my pennies. i put myself on a tight budget and began to dream.
the morning of my trip
i laid on my bedroom floor
experiencing an anxiety attack
it lasted over 30 minutes
(the view from my floor)
i can only speculate why i shut down...
when i was able to find the "on switch"...
my journey began.
i got to drive a Cadillac :)
(and yes they are all that AND a bag of chips!)
we made it to lava hot springs, idaho - after working a half day at work.
the secret garden by the hot pools
the moon was close to being full...
a little bit of idaho
i determined driving through the state of idaho, they must have got a killer deal on orange cones, cause they decorated the highway with them threw the ENTIRE state!
i also came to the conclusion there is varying degrees of "construction". for example there can be signs of "road work ahead" but the workers must be someplace else "working". lol.
i fell in love with oregon all over again.
we stayed in burns, oregon. a cute little town filled with extraordinarily nice people. we ended up walking two miles that night. see we THOUGHT the restaurant was just up around the corner. evidently it was around SEVERAL corners and a small hill. lol
i went to my first farmers market and photographed my first strangers :)
brothers school in brothers oregon :) i couldn't help myself. it reminded me of my boys
i could NOT get enough of the fuzzy trees :)
we traveled through willamette national forest
and after many hours of traveling
i got to see her again after about 20 years :)
all though this is the first time i have seen this side of her (the oregon coast)
she (the pacific ocean) is as beautiful as ever!
we stayed the night in yachats, and ate fish and chips :)
getting up early to see the full moon over the water.
then we drove up the coast on hwy 101.
i had people tell me before i left, i would grow tired of this highway
(something i never did)
in fact i would forget to photograph things because i was caught up in the beauty of it all.
had some lunch and some ice cream : tillamook, oregon
then we went over "the bridge"
and just like that... we were in washington!
on yet another beach... life is GOOD :)
(but missing the boys i left in wyoming)
we stayed at a cute little bed and breakfast
we ate good food
and raced go karts on "nascar night"
it was like being 10 all over again :)
i think i would have made my boys proud with my driving abilities
(i am certain i could have been a race car driver in another life time LOL)
i hung out at the worlds longest beach-and watched the international kite festival
we stopped for a potty break at a casino... $20 and 10 minutes later :)
Vancouver, BC
we woke up in lakewood, washington
then spent the morning in seattle :)
my happy feet at the market (i know, i know, i just can't help it)
the view
from HERE
THEN we went through THIS
and wha-la POOF! i was in another country :)
I'm still super bummed the lady that let us through the border
(the one who has to wear a bullet proof vest to work)
didn't stamp my passport!
we drove in "klicks"
then we seen THIS
i absolutely LOVED vancouver!
the photo's are right out of the camera no editing, simply splendorous :)