Friday, September 6, 2019

Chapter 48

chapter 48

so here i am heading into the last b-day in my forties. as i inch ever closer to 50 i have to be real honest, i thought i was okay with fifty but i'm not gonna lie it's a huge number in my book. i remember vividly when my parents turned a half century. my mom was totally cool with it. my dad, not so much. i think that is why my sister and i got him a sympathy card that year hehehehe. seriously though, when your a kid every adult is what, fifty lol (okay maybe not too serious).

the older part doesn't bother me, it really doesn't-the math however gets me a little crazy head. i guess thats why the word "open" picked me this year. what does that mean? "not closed or barred. set as to permit passage through. to render unobstructed." like i have mentioned before, when a word picks me it usually means there is gonna be a street fight and some blood shed, because the universe is fixing to teach me something. meh whatcha gonna do. try and be open to the idea that life is temporary- and navigating in that fragility with fierce/tenderness is living. i read a meme the other day that said "you live every day, you only die once" and i was thinking yeah except when your nikki sixx from motely crue, that guy is like a cat #ninelives.

Chapter 48 from Monybean on Vimeo.

  1. this year my, oldest turned 30 (THIRTY) he would not let me put 30 candles on his cake for practical reasons
  2. finally found a skin product that works for me (not to look young or anything, just to feel good)
  3. went to see bohemian rhapsody in the theater, i forgot so many things about that era and seeing that movie sparked memories #lovelove
  4. i am still a plant killer-yeah during the zombie apocalypse i should not be in charge of the garden because we will starve
  5. ellie and i had our first solo sleep over :) one of us was way more tired than the other
  6. bought a magic eight ball for important decisions :) yes its just as fun as you remember and if you don't like the answer you just try again lol
  7. max played baseball again this year and did so great-seriously becoming quite the ball player! sidenote: my boys were busting my chops about how to keep their mother quiet at a game... bring ellie lol stinkin' brats
  8. my youngest turned 28 - i realize they have been adults for a while but for what ever reason this year i have accepted this lol disclaimer: i will still always refer to them as my boys no matter how old they get!
  9. after many weeks of bedrest for my daughter in-law (because baby elmo - a name ellie and i chose because no one knew his name until a week before he arrived- kept trying to come see us too soon) we welcomed adam to our clan
  10. max started middle school... #nowords
  11. experienced my first vip box seat dmb concert #somuchfun
  12. one carrot cake, two days before the day, three generations, loads of matches, 49 candles and i made a wish and started the last chapter of my forties


  1. You’re as awesome as I remember! Love you and miss you girl or lady? You have a wonderful, beautiful family!!! Nikki

  2. I think I am both a girl and a lady hehehe thank you for the wonderful compliment xoxo I love and miss you too!!
