Wednesday, December 4, 2013

online whole heartedness

i've been a little online course taker lately. one of my latest courses is Opera's Lifeclass The Gifts of imperfections with Brene Brown. part one of the course is finishing up this week... what a #fun #intense #invaluable #difficult #enlightening #journey.
my favorite part of this course has been the art work-i have reacquainted myself with my inner picasso (mind you i have always wanted to be a da vinci).
i have went toe to toe with my inner critic and rather than poke her in the eye,
i have given her permission to examine things with lavender colored glasses.
i have accepted-until i loose my mind to old age, i will ALWAYS be analytical. i've embraced my perfectionist side and realized perfectionism has everything to do with fear. taking steps to be brave and courageous... and vulnerable.

reflecting on my story and owning it-really owning it. in doing all of these things i have become reacquainted with my authentic self.
i still have chubby cheeks and a crooked smile. i am remembering how to view the world with my heart and facing it with a fearless spirit.