Thursday, November 22, 2012

thankful list of 2012

my word this year, embrace.
i have pushed myself to accomplish this.
embracing ALL the moments.

I'm thankful for:
  • shocking moments.
  • stressful days.
  • unexpected change.
  • self doubt.
  • disappointments.
  • challenges.
  • unanswered questions.
  • worry.
  • uncertainty.
  • fear.
the list above brings my life balanced. i don't wish for any of those things. hell i don't even like these things. i usually avoid or fight them. but here is the deal... 

these are the things that have brought me:
  • the most growth
  • strength i didn't know i had
  • the drive to work even harder
  • a warrior spirit
  • appreciation to the moments void of those things
  • new beliefs or ideas
  • all things come in time
  • to find ways of being prepared
  • faith
  • the value of vulnerability
i am thankful for family, friends, good health, laughter and having just enough.
wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

celebrating in 2012

we do our celebrating with:

  • cake
  • ice cream
  • food
  • stories
  • laughter
  • love

with each new year adding a candle. ignite the flame and make a wish... i love how with each new year, we start it with a wish. filling this momma heart of mine with gratitude.





another year older & wiser.
another year filled with more blessings than i can count.

and so we begin a new season... 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

twenty four

24 years ago... TWENTY FOUR!!! let me digress for just a minute or three. seriously, how did this happen?!?!?! i ask myself "where did it all go? where on earth did 24 years go?!?!?!" i have been present for every single one of them, rather my seats have been front row and center or the nose bleed section. no matter how grown and mature he becomes, i will always see him as my boy.

deep breath.

its hard to believe my oldest son is in his mid twenties. crazy-crazy-crazy-crazy! seeing him continue to grow. face life head on. not running from responsibilities. working. struggling. managing. over coming. teasing. laughing. playing. being a single parent is not even close to being easy and he does it well.

this past year he:
  • has began mastering his daddy face (because kids say and do the funnest things and sometimes its really-super-terribly hard to keep a straight face).
  • has yelled at his mother because she doesn't need to keep a straight face anymore ;)
  • read stories to his son before bed time
  • pulled slivers out of the same little boy who can be overly dramatic
  • has been teaching his son, tantrums do not get you what you want...
  • went camping
  • fishing
  • hunted
  • road a motorcycle
  • bought a motorcycle
  • got a motorcycle license on his first try
  • ran a red light (on accident) not with the motorcycle, but in his mothers truck lol
  • hung out with his brother
  • went to wendover to see a comedian with his buddy
he has made me proud. he continues to make me smile with his wit and smarts. his mannerism remind me so much of my fathers and his laugh reminds me of HIS father. what an amazing man he has grown into. what an incredible father he is to his son. when he is looking at his boy, i tell him, "you see how your son looks to you right now? this is how i still see you sometimes." :) my grams told me before she passed, this never goes away no matter how old everyone gets (:

wishing my oldest son the happiest of birthday.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

clouds of color

two sisters.
one really fun time.

i decided i wanted to do this last week.... 
i'm a planner. i have prided myself on being thoughtful when it comes to doing things. the older i get, the more reckless i find myself ;) which isn't necessarily a bad thing, except for the blister on the bottom of my foot and my noodle legs :) the great thing is there was lots of people who signed up for this event without much notice or preparation either lol. i over heard someone say over 6,000 people joined the party (who may or may no have planned).

at the start line we all had one thing in common, a white t-shirt (or some version of a white t-shirt). the color zones made each leg of the race so much fun and something to look forward too. there was a water station at the halfway mark. there were lots of smiling faces and so much positive energy! there were lots of cheers and high fives and color. there were parents running and walking. kids running, riding on the shoulders of their family, being pushed in strollers and there was some being dragged along lol. there were lots of volunteers to make the event safe and fun. there was lots of music and dancing, and strutting around in their colorful costumes. at the end of the race there was only hints of the white t-shirts :)

NEXT TIME (because there will BE a NEXT TIME):

  • plan on planning just a little bit
  • better running shoes
  • maybe train for it ;)
  • have more family and friends join the fun
  • tutu's (some of the participants had tutu's with wings, tutu's with capes, tutu's with amazingly colorful socks)

check out the website and see if the color run is coming to your area.
sign up.
you wont be sorry you did :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

41 things

captains log
day 15,340.
is it just me or is that a whole lot of stinkin' days!
during the last 365 days...

41 things being forty one
  1. foo fighters concert (had a ball)
  2. watched Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band (peter framton looked so much cuter when i was a kid)
  3. cut 6" off my hair
  4. tried fake eye lashes (may do this again)
  5. made smoothies for breakfast (small addition)
  6. hula hooped in public places (have yet to get arrested)
  7. bounced on a hotel bed (stinkin' hilarious)
  8. laughed till i cried (on more than 10 occasions)
  9. blew bubbles with my grandson (yup its still fun)
  10. ate at panda express (i love their fridges and all the colorful vegies)
  11. bought my first apple computer (it was a love/hate relationship for a while there)
  12. got my first ipad that was a gift from my boys (i have great boys)
  13. dropped my iphone in water (not on purpose, and there was lots of cuss words after)
  14. took my dog to a groomer (trying to get him in that kennel was tricky)
  15. got a massage (need to do this way more often)
  16. didn't eat meat for a week (decided i could never be a vegan)
  17. got brand new furniture (this was a first time thing for me)
  18. went on a blind date
  19. caught up with an old friend who i hadn't seen or talked to in nearly 20 years
  20. used organic soaps
  21. made my own bath salts
  22. ate salads in a jar (i have a slight addiction to mason jars)
  23. fell in love with my camera again (i can feel a 365 coming on again)
  24. took some on line courses
  25. bought crystals from australia because it made me happy
  26. completed a 30 days of yoga class
  27. recycled more and bought less
  28. went to my first cousins funeral (love you bubba)
  29. read books on my ipad (love my ipad)
  30. printed my first photo on canvas
  31. attempted to stand on my head (which hasn't been done in a couple of decades!)
  32. started using light room to edit my photos
  33. started shooting pictures in RAW
  34. flew first class (doesn't suck. not even a little)
  35. spent the night in coalville (so much fun)
  36. went to a music festival with VIP tickets (had a blast)
  37. had lasik surgery done because i didn't want to wear bifocals (still healing)
  38. fell in love with smash books (yeah i have a thing for paper)
  39. got lost in oregon three days in a row (i can get lost with GPS. i'm gifted like that)
  40. ate at joes crab shack for the first time ever (holy goodness, tasty tasty tasty)
  41. started thinking about making a list of things i want to do before i'm FIFTY!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

that one time when i thought i was adopted

i called my sister yesterday before i headed to work. my question to her was...
how old was i when you told me i was adopted? she sighed before she answered. i think, maybe she still feels a little guilty about it (its okay maude, i love your guts!) after a lengthy conversation we determined our parents were still married, so that put me around three.

you see i had no clue what it meant to be adopted. my sister told me i was, and mom and dad would be mad if they found out i knew about it. i understood what a secret was-so i kept it. i was 9 or 10 when the truth came out. funny how things slip your mind and big sisters forget to un-tell little sisters things. i am laughing while i'm typing this because kids can be such little shits (remind me later and i'll tell you the tale how my big sister and i convinced our little brother he was invisible).

the truth. i was in elementary school. we moved again, which meant a new school and making new friends. these were the days when i would just ask "do ya want to be my friend?" no sense in wasting anyones time, right? my new friends where twins. i thought it was the coolest there was two of them and i decided i wanted to be a twin. i wondered if when i was adopted i had a twin. this thought entered my mind and next thing i knew i told these new friends the secret about my adoption adding the part of i had a twin, that may or may not have died at birth. you know, i'm not real sure why i lied about the twin part or why i even told them the secret. this was one of those times where i realized just how small this big old world is. see my twin friends mother worked with my aunt and some how or another everyone got to talking about my secret. next thing i know i'm at my aunts house getting yelled at for lying. i didn't say a word and took my punishment, i think mostly i was connecting the dots. see i totally knew the twin thing was a lie, but that was the day i found out i wasn't adopted which was good to know lol.

yesterday when my sister and i were revisiting this memory, she told me the reason why... i guess i was a slob. when it was time to pick up our room most of the mess was mine. she was sick and tired of her little sister the slob and she was trying to get me to carry my own weight. she was seven and well, she was at her wits end. i still laugh about this now. i think she was wanting to disown me but didn't know the right word, so that was the day i became adopted!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

finding peace in september

i get reflective this time of year
where i have been
what i have done
read through my journal pages
look at the photos i have taken
size things up
take inventory...
its just what i do.

Dave Matthews Band has a song...
the lyrics are fitting... "coming slow but speeding"
words relating to my own 41st trip around the sun.

september is here...

always bittersweet.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

now you

i finished up another e-course NowYOU.
it was a class on self portraits. inspiring proof of being here. right now. in this moment.
not waiting for a good hair day or to loose weight.
embracing the moment. believing you are enough in this very moment. we looked at details. our roots and wings (what grounds us and what causes us to fly). looking at your reflection. whimsy moments. at arms length. eye contact.





At arms length

Eye contact

what i learned is the importance of sharing a back story. looking at the details of a tired momma, having a heavy heart. capturing and sharing the hard days. being grounded in my sneakers, when life feels like the currents of a stream. jumping and laughing on a motel bed (i highly recommend you try this at least once. that and hula hooping in the parking lot... i loved the looks on strangers faces when i was carrying my hoop). reflecting on a beautiful sunny day in the window of an abandoned gas station. finding groovy benches at a cemetery made out of skis. pulling off the side of a road to snap a shot... squinting through the light of a warm summers day. making eye contact with the momma eyes which carry around luggage because sleep can sometimes be a foreign concept. falling in love with my camera again. inspired to tell my tale...

Monday, June 4, 2012


twenty one years ago i was in labor (36 hours total). on this day i didn't know if i was going to have a boy or a girl. i wanted to be surprised. i knew this would be my last child. two babies would be good. i would not give birth until the wee hours of the morning. twenty one years ago i wasn't sure if this labor would end and had no clue it would get worse. i would still need a c-section, even though i was committed to have a regular birth. it just wasn't in my cards.

twenty one years ago, on this day i didn't know lots of things...
i didn't know i would have another baby boy.
i didn't know he would be in the hospital ten days after he was born.
i didn't know he would be almost a year old before he would sleep through the night.
i didn't know he would be a picky eater.
i didn't know he would go through several sets of training wheels before he could ride his bike without them.
i didn't know he would try to hatch eggs under his bed using his blankets.
i didn't know on his first day of school he would skip class to play with his brother and cousins at recess.
i didn't know i would get a call from the principle because this little boy patted the librarian on the bum.
i didn't know he would "accidentally" set the field on fire because he was "cold" one summer day.
i didn't know he would win awards for writing an essay on his home town.
i didn't know he would be on the honor roll his last two years of high school.
i didn't know he would wreck every single car he drove (at least once).
i didn't know he would work full time and go to college.
i didn't know he would turn into such an amazing young man.

twenty one years ago seems like yesterday.

while he was twenty he...
worked and went to school full time
presented a report in college on the time his mom took him and his brother "camping"
got his own apartment
hosted bbq's and movie nights regularly
fell in love with rock climbing
broke his leg rock climbing
bought a smoke machine because he thought it was cool
had sleep overs with his nephew
went shooting and fishing with his brother
he probably did lots of other things but doesn't share everything with his mom ;)

tomorrow he will be twenty one. twenty one trips around the sun. twenty one years of mischief and milestones. twenty one...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

shut up and listen

the universe has a way of telling you "shut up and LISTEN".
i usually just keep right on talking...
no judgement alright, i'm being honest here!

an ugly truth is the universe pretty much has to hit me upside the head (a LOT of times) before i will focus. okay, this is not entirely true. i'm usually focused, just on other stuff.

i just completed a little e-course on self love. when i signed up i was thinking it would be all about learning to take better care of myself, full of warm fuzzies. i should probably mention i am not really into "self help" books. truth be told i always thought they were a bit hokey. i remember when i was a kid, my dad went through a phase. he read a self help book and then tried to convince me i "let" people make me mad, sad, whatever. in that moment i thought, "um NO, you make me mad when you (fill in the blank)." as i grew older i realized there is a whole lot of truth to that statement. i have learned am the decisive element and decide how to respond. this has not been an overnight revelation... hence the statement of my ugly truth.

through much of my twenties i was too busy to worry about self love, hell i thought i was doing great if i remembered to moisturize once in a while. i was busy raising two little boys. i was busy working (sometimes more than one job). i was busy picking up the house, staying on a tight budget and preparing well balanced meals. i was busy running here and there. i was busy i tell you and i really didn't give "ME" much thought cause i had lots of stuff to do. my thirties were dark and twisty. i was still raising boys, but they were rapidly turning into men. i was still working (only one job now). i was still running here and there, and taking care of all the day to day chores. i was also heart broken, losing important men in my life. i was sad, and angry and scared and all the other things you feel when you have major loss. in my thirties there was a whole lot of endings... saying good bye was not foreign. my physical busy life became mentally and emotionally busy too.

the universe has tried to tell me many of times "you need to take better care of yourself". this would be clear to me when i would be still just for a moment and fall asleep standing up, or in the middle of a conversation...

i am finally listening. better late than never right? for the past six weeks i have looked at "me".

week one:
examine how you treat yourself.

 i was encouraged to notice/observe, without judgement/criticism. i was introduced to the concept of being kind and gentle with my observations. for the record, i think i do a pretty amazing job of giving everyone else the benefit of the doubt. i try to be kind or helpful. but with myself... WHOLE different story. so in the first ten minutes of my course i was thinking, i SUCK at this! lol yeah its taking me some time to catch on to the notice/observation versus judging/criticizing thing.

week two:
stay in a moment.

this should be relatively easy right? yeah, not so much for me. i worry about "whats next". a "what if" mentality. staying in THE moment is a bit tricky, but i am attempting to. i find my mind racing and then i slam on the brakes. to be honest, i've been having a little motion sickness with this exercise.

giving myself permission to just embrace myself, where i'm at, where i've been, the direction i am headed. appreciating all the beauty my imperfections carry...  if anything to just observe, with no intent to fix or change it. this whole awareness stuff is rough-uncomfortable-scarey and intoxicating. being aware of something with no agenda, or plan. being aware and giving yourself permission to be still. shutting my mouth (both on my face and in my head) and listen...

try it. maybe you will find it easy, but i sure as hell didn't.

week three:
listening to your body.

getting out of your head and listening to your body... i signed up for a 30 days of yoga. having a virtual yoga teacher works for me. learning to breathe. learning to stretch. taking care of my physical self. learning what road blocks i set up and why. this has been good for me. finding balance, or more importantly creating-influencing it.

week four:
tapping into your intuition.

listening to your instincts. i have referred to this as radar. you are given radar for a reason, it keeps you safe. i teach this at work. being aware of those "spidey" senses. focusing less on the things you want and more on what is needed... we have the answers to most questions, we just don't always like what they are. at least thats how i feel about it. if you are quiet and allow yourself to listen, you know what to do. its scary sometimes, feeling vulnerable... trusting the process. allowing yourself to experience all the emotions involved. its also life changing. accepting you are right were you are supposed to be. relax, breathe, surrender... because good or bad, this too shall pass. listen with an open heart and turn off your brain. cause lets be honest, your brain talks you in/out of things you regret later on. your heart is always honest, it feels it all... the good, the laughter, the bad and the really really crappy. our brain is what tries to control things, at least thats what my brain attempts to do a LOT of the time.

week five:
finding our purpose.

taking inventory of personal strengths. looking at where you're at right now. who you are. what your beliefs are. letting go of the idea of what others want you to be. daring you to see. for this i have noticed i have been becoming reacquainted with my inner child. she never really cared what others thought too much. she seen the world in a very simple way. she laughed and was silly and found beauty in ordinary things. i realized how much i have missed her (or this side of me). the endless dreamer. the little girl who wanted to be a belly dancer until she put a rock in her bellybutton and was traumatized when she couldn't get it out. how she fell in love with bright green pants with a big fish on the leg, and was totally bummed because they were floods (yeah i have always been tall). looking back on this i really wished someone would have attempted to make those awesome pants into capris for me. the little girl who would lay on her back and close her eyes and listen to the sounds of the neighborhood. the story teller. the little girl with the crazy imagination.

week six:
grounding and integrating what you've learned.

i was given a list of questions to answer.
  • what have i learnt about myself?
i've learned i am pretty mean and unforgiving to myself. i've learned i will fight fiercely to avoid feeling vulnerable. i have also learned i wasn't always like this. 
  • how am i feeling about myself?
i am feeling good, better than good. i am proud of where i am at in the moment. i feel i still need to grow, and have much to learn but am happy i have direction.
  • what has changed or shifted over the past weeks?
the idea that taking care of yourself is not selfish. in fact, when i am taking better care of myself i have more strength and energy to share. 
  • what has surprised me?
something so "easy" can be so "difficult". being still. staying in the moment. observe with no judgement. once you let go the difficult becomes easier.
  • what lessons/activities do i really want to revisit?
staying grounded. learning patience. trust. the value in vulnerability.
  • what lessons/activities do i really want to incorporate in my everyday?
meditation and physical exercise. breathing and being still.
  • what do i really want to remember moving forwards?
big things are made up of many small acts. by incorporating small routines creates huge results. when i self doubt or criticize i ask myself "is this helpful? would i say these things to a friend or to that little girl you once was?" these two questions have helped me so much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

the very last day of being three

a lot can happen in a year
while Max was three
he potties in the potty now, no more pull ups
(funny moment)
max calls his daddy "robin" (because he is batman) and when he goes potty he will yell "ROBIN, come wipe my butt".

he learned to write his name
he winks
he sucks in air through his nose making his nostrils stick together
he can count past ten and can count backwards from ten
he knows his left from his right

his favorite food us Pizza (he likes making them with LOTS of cheese). he eats marshmallow matees (original or chocolate) for breakfast. loves chocolate milk. likes broc-ree (broccoli) some of the time. requests ketchup for random food items and still feeds julius part of what ever he is eating

his favorite shows are:
blues clues
yo gabba gabba
scooby doo
power ranger

his favorite games:
lego batman
lego man jones
lego starwars

he loves:
his ipod and skull candy
riding his bike
playing candy land
sleep overs
remote control cars
painting with water colors

he is still a morning person, and its not uncommon for him to yell from the bottom of the stairs

this year he had a better understanding of the easter bunny and santa claus.
dressed up like spiderman for halloween (with his amazing friends).
learned to write his name just in time for valentines day.
lit his first fireworks and was excited when they blew up.

just recently when he gets mad he will flex his muscles and say "i'm bane"
he still has to go to time out occasionally to "fix his ears".
he loves to be tickled and will say "just on more time mema" a bunch of times ;)
he likes to play pretend, and has a little teeny tiny robot he will carry in his pocket.
he still doesn't like his hands to get dirty.
he still loves his blanket
he doesn't like to snuggle as often as he used to.
he now can sit in a seat at the movies without help (so he doesn't get folded in half)
he likes to wrestle and wants you to "tap out" when you have had enough lol

the very last day of being three

Sunday, April 29, 2012

shop therapy

i can hardly believe we are ending april...
2012 has been beating the crap out of me. busy is a understatement. juggling fireballs and balancing on my toes, while walking a tightrope with no net, trying to smile. i realized taking a two week vacation is not going to happen (i haven't had a two week vacation since last august and i am starting to fray around the edges). SO, i decided to cash out some vacation hours and buy stuff. reminding me why i work so hard :)

my shopping "vacation":
new happy yellow bedspread (reversible so it was kinda like buying two for the price of one)
1500 thread count egyptian cotton sheets and duvet set (why the heck i didn't invest in these a long time ago is BEYOND me!)
nikon sb700 speedlight (this has been on my wishlist at for some time and it was one of those moments when i pressed the purchase button and instantly got butterflies. when it arrived i was dancing in the living room excited!)
make up (nothing fancy, the same stuff i have been using for years)
face peel stuff (when i put this on i was like, okay this was a dumb purchase. then i was like, WTH and is this normal? THEN you wash it off and your like-damn thats pretty awesome)
moisturizer (trying something new because i have skin like an alligator)
body scrub (cause of the alligator skin thing)
sighed up for an e-course (self love... this could be a whole blog all on its own)
crystals from Australia (i'm pretty sure i could have bought these stateside but the idea that i'm getting a package from across the world is fun and makes me happy!)
and a used macbook (this is the best headache i have gotten in a LONG time. i'm an old dog and have never owned a mac. i'm still figuring things out. thank you and all of your helpful videos)

i have to say this was one of my great ideas that turned out FABULOUS! i'm still not sure when i will be able to take off time off other than a day here or there, but shopping is good stuff!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

working things out

it has been 13 months since i finished my 365.
10 months since we lost my grams.
9 months since my oldest son moved back home, along with his son.
8 months since my youngest son moved out.

there are moments it feels things just come at you from all sides. then there are other moments when you are dealing with the aftershocks...
its been less than easy.
lots of peeks and valleys.
lots of moments where i was lost for words of wisdom.
many times all i could say is "i know this sucks, but it will get better".
(not really knowing if it would... luckily it did, get better that is)
riding out the storms, preparing for the next wave...

a year ago i would have never imagined the change in events.
the nice part about time and distance is once your on the other side, you have the ability to look back and appreciate making it through another bumpy patch.
the beautiful mess i call my life
perfectly imperfect.
embracing the process. showing up, trying hard, making the most of what you have. learning along the way.
focusing less on the end results and more on the moments leading up to it.

i feel like i have aged a decade in a few short months. 


spring has came around once again. the change of seasons. i am grateful the grey clouds have disappeared. appreciating the blue skies and sunshine a little more. the weather is still a bit chilly but i'm looking forward to the resting place of lazy mornings filled with sunshine and a warm breeze. i have heard many times "this too shall pass". often you hear this when times are bad. realizing this applies to good times.

the best way to make it through the less than happy days... relax-breathe-surrender.
the best way to make it through the better than happy days... relax-breathe-surrender. 

success, for me, is when i can see it WAS as bad as i thought it was, and things turned out beautifully anyway :)

so for now, in this moment i measure "where i've been" with "how many times i showed up". taking chances. leaping, rather than looking down. with only one question on my mind...
"lets see what happens."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

first week of 2012

i ended 2011 with a flame... i found an old notebook with blank pages in the back. i ripped them into strips and wrote down words or ideas i am wanting to be done with. i recycled a coffee can, sat on  my bathroom floor and lit each strip of paper.
i laughed out loud when i singed the tip of my finger. it was a moment reminding me not to hang on to things too tightly, for too long.

my resolution came from this idea. using a single word.
my word for 2012
to take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug.
to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly
to avail oneself of
to adopt
to take in with the eye or the mind.
embracing what comes my way, gladly, eagerly, willingly. avoiding pushing things away but instead greet those things with open arms.

i started my year traveling. it was a trip for work, but i embraced the experience.

i hung out in a first class lounge.

i had a window seat in first class.
i totally see why people try to upgrade to first class :)

this year will be about embracing each moment and experience as it comes. embracing the process. embracing the efforts involved. holding value in all the success and the failures.